Smirnoff — Experiential Activation

Toasting to the global LGBTQIA+ community at World Pride 2019 in NYC.

Organization: The FADER
Role: Lead Creative Strategist


The Ask

Create a pop-up bar that welcomes the global LGBTQIA+ community home to NYC during World Pride 2019 with the world’s #1 vodka, Smirnoff.

Strategic Approach

So much more than a physical place, home is an emotional construct that is made up of the family we choose and the spaces we forge together with our community. Especially as gaybourhoods and queer bars (which have historically served as sanctuaries for the community) are threatened to the point of extinction — which some urban planners attribute to rising rents and dating apps — the rise of the queer pop-up party has become a lifeline for the community by the community.

Creative Solution

In the days that led up to the World Pride parade, we decided to open our doors to the world with Smirnoff’s House of Pride — a three day, home-inspired pop-up bar experience hosted by Queer Eye’s Jonathan Von Ness — on Canal Street.

Each room -- which was open to the street and viewable by anyone passing by -- doubled as an open air gallery space, thematized around a room of a home and its cultural significance to the LGBTQIA+ community. The yellow vanity room represented the trans and drag communities and how they use make-up and accessories to transform themselves. The bedroom was, emblazoned with the words “our bedroom, our business.” To top it off, each of the six rooms were outfitted with a bespoke Smirnoff cocktail to match.


Press. Lots of it. (Adweek, Spirits Business, Just Jared, The Drum, Forbes, Yahoo, Refinery29, and Variety to name a few). And above all, an unforgettable home experience that feels exclusively for everybody in the LGBTQIA+ community.

Also, friendly reminder 🚨 🌈

Hire queer and trans people of colour 365 days of the year— from the very onset of a briefing through to production and talent.


 Account Leadership: Andy McGrath, Andy Cohn
Lead Creative + Experiential Strategist: Warren Seuradge
Accounts: Jon Wormser, April Candler
Creative Production Partner: Off-Brand
PR: Taylor Strategy
Photos: Dianna McDougall (Adweek)
IAT Lead: 72&Sunny


FADER Digital Fort 2020: Online Music Festival


Schaefer Beer: Brand Relaunch and Partner Content