A little about me


I’m a Toronto-born, Brooklyn-based creative strategist with an insatiable love for Trinidadian doubles, mid-2000s R&B, and CanCon.

While I got my start as a strategic policy specialist in Human Services upon graduating from McGill, I’ve spent most of my career bridging strategic planning with creativity as a cultural force for good.

This journey took me to New York City, where I’ve worked in brand strategy, communications planning, and culture marketing capacities across global agencies, brands, and publishers such as SID LEE, The Washington Post BrandStudio, The FADER, Chobani, and more. Nowadays, I’m working in-house at REI Co-op, applying a creative strategy lens to brand narrative campaigns & the org’s impact agenda: including racial equity and climate action ⛰️🥾.

From my early days of serving on community task forces to my current reality of connecting brands to culture, my strategic planning principles have remained steadfast:

🦄 Inclusivity: plan with and for people who don’t look, sound, or think like you.
🧠 Experimentation: trust the planning process while leaving room for magic, serendipity, and juicy dialogue.
💪 Change-making: affect outcomes on a systems-level.
🤓 Curiosity: acknowledge and build on what you know, what you want to know, and what you don’t know (yet).
🔎 Words Matter: uphold a standard of clarity and inspiration without losing cultural nuance.

Speaking of words, Ocean Vuong (one of my favourite writers/poets) once wrote, “the rules, like streets, can only take you to known places. Underneath the grid is a field-it was always there-where to be lost is never wrong, but simply more.”

When it comes to rules (in strategy and beyond), I always strive to be more.


Want to say hi?


If you’d like to get to know each other, work together, or intro me to Sade, feel free to reach out by e-mail or on LinkedIn.

If you’re a student or individual in search of mentorship during your strategy journey, shoot me a note here.