Afterpay - Holiday Social

Proving it takes a good gift to know a good gift on the FYP

Agency: B-Reel
Client: Afterpay USA
Partner: Hasbro
Role: Creative Strategy Director



Inspire folks in the USA to Afterpay their gift list.


Somewhere between supply chain strains, inflationary sticker shock, and a pandemic that just won’t seem to become endemic is the stranger-than-ever spirit of the holiday season. We asked ourselves the question: how can we get people to find the perfect gifts for people and pets on their list without losing it (so to speak)?

Strategic Approach

To transcend the chaos of the season, we leaned into the chaos platform that is TikTok and the communities that exist on it to share iconic gifting advice for the holidays. With 90s nostalgia and age-old toys from holidays past permeating the feeds -- cutting across generational cohorts and walks-of-life -- we found our gifting muse from holidays past.

Creative Execution

Enter the best gift of 1998, Furby, as the Impossible Gift Finder. We asked the Furbish fandom and adjacent communities to drop their hard-to-shop-for kerfuffle in the comments, and dispensed inspiration and gift ideas with a Furbish twist. Each response video featured an item or merchant from the Afterpay platform, spreading the magic with the masses.


After a one week dash of comment-and-response Furby impossible gift ideas, we generated 16 million social video views,19.5 million campaign impressions (with coverage from 15 media outlets), and a 195% increase in followers on the @afterpayUSA TikTok handle. Coincidentally, a fan-powered petition to bring back old Furbies even resurfaced during our holiday social campaign. As Furby would say, doo-dah.


Managing Director: Magda Tomaszewski
Creative Directors: Pieter Konickx, Nathan Frank
Creative Strategy Director: Warren Seuradge
Designers: Jeffrey Tang, Brianna Saba, Jane Brennan
Writers: Witt Whitmore
Technology Director: Eric Heaton
Producer: Eric Davies
3D Director: Daena Lorne
Modeling: Brett Lewis
3D Design & Look Dev: Victoria Kociman
3D Design and Animation: Steven Kelly


Volcán De Mi Tierra: Brand Identity


FADER x NIVA Save Our Stages T-Shirt Collection